Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 5 Muddiest Point

For this weeks muddiest point, I wanted to talk about our conversations in class for week four. We reviewed Stephen Kings article about "Why We Love Horror Movies." He wrote that we love to see horror films so we can feel a sense of normality and we have the advantage of going to see acts of horror, but get to leave the theater safely. Some people in the class agreed with this idea...I didn't though. I wanted to say something, but when so many people have so much to say and only an hour to say it...I felt that it would be better to save what I had to say for this weeks muddiest point.

I don't think that most people go to see horror movies to feel normal. On the contrary, most people go to see horror movies because they love seeing human flesh hacked apart. They love to see blood squirting all over the place and to hear people begging for their lives. All one has to do is think of ancient Rome. The Gladiator games were the Roman version of horror films, but to greater scale. The Romans loved their Gladiator games and the spectacle of horror they saw.

You might think the Romans got to see tremendous acts of horror, but they had the advantage of leaving the Colosseum in safety...this was not true! Caligula, Nero, and Commodus were just a few of the Emperor's to randomly pull citizens out of stands and make them fight Gladiators to the death.

So why do people love horror films? I'll tell you why, it's because people love death and judgement. It's in our nature and if history has taught me anything about people it's this:

 "People are the same wherever you go." -Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder

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